herbalife.victim 賀寶芙受害者網頁

2011年11月18日 星期五


關於保健食品你應該知道的事 !

書名(一):關於保健食品你應該知道的事,(商周出版 ,www.cite.com.tw)
作者:BRIAN R. CLEMENT (自然醫學博士/國際保健運動先驅)
譯者:石美倫 (美國印第安那大學課程與教學研究所博士)


該本書的 精典名言及章節(1)於第78頁標題:2007年2月28日,佔滿整各西方世界報紙頭條上斗大的標題"保健食品讓你短命"及"營養補充品會提高死亡率"經典(2).第218頁~236頁,直銷保健食品的品質章節,經典(3).第250頁,美國FDA發言人坦白承認,它們真正的 客戶並非是我們這些消費者,而是各大藥廠,精典名言(4),"我們應該盡一切可能大聲疾呼,不要讓沉默被視為一種默許".

閱覽(關於保健食品你應該知道的事)這本書後,讓我感佩美國人的善與惡與是與非的態度,再想想我們的政府官員學者專家們及台灣人的自私自利與自作自受的對比!請問生活在這般病態的環境/國家有何保障/有何意義???然而我們為何不要學習西方國家的人,於生活上講求誠實,公理及正義的態度與觀念! ~互勉之~


繁體書布萊恩.克雷門商周出版 ,出版日期:2011-07-08
Amazon四顆星評價市面上的健康食品琳瑯滿目,消費者要怎樣挑選出最符合需要的呢?作者是國際知名的保健專家,根據三十多年的臨床與研究經驗:破解關於營養素的四大迷思;(見目錄,第一章到第四章)指出多數的... more

2011年11月1日 星期二

賀寶芙 vs 中毒性肝炎

如果您於食用賀寶芙產品期間發生:疲勞感/食慾不振/噁心和嘔吐/體重減輕/尿色深等症狀,就應警覺該症狀與中毒性肝炎之關聯性,因為賀寶芙產品 的研究和投訴出現一些令人震驚的事情。其中最常見的問題即是危及生命的中毒性肝炎與肝臟疾病。詳情請見下列文章!

以下資料載自:Lawyer Referral Service - RepresentYou.com(http://www.representyou.com/product-liability/herbalife/toxic-hepatitis/)


如果你或你認識的人有中毒性肝炎和服用康寶萊的補充,您可能需要立即與律師發言。如果您的中毒性肝炎是連接使用康寶萊補充,你應該為您的醫療費用補償。如果你有一個康寶的訴訟,你應該有你可以找到最好的律師。 RepresentYou.com可以轉介你到一個有20多年的經驗律師,可以採取應急費的基礎上你的產品責任案件。康寶萊和其補充遭到襲擊多年來,一些不同的原因。首先,多層次營銷公司的業務計劃一直被指責被傳銷。此外,他們出售的產品已被認為是不安全的,甚至在一些國家禁止。最後,康寶萊的客戶突然生病和承包大傷元氣,危及生命的肝臟疾病。我們在RepresentYou.com已經注意到了一個重大的歷史和康寶萊突然生病消費者 gettin相信它足以令一些法律界關注。正如我們已經熟悉了自己牽連康寶萊的研究和投訴,我們也注意到一些令人震驚的事情。其中最常見的問題,我們看到,突如其來的診斷習慣性補充用戶中毒性肝炎。中毒性肝炎是肝臟的炎症,為一種有毒物質接觸的結果。本病的顯著原因是酒精,化學品,藥品,或補充。像許多肝臟疾病,中毒性肝炎症狀可以有所不同病人之間。
下面列出了一些最常見的症狀:疲勞食慾不振噁心和嘔吐減肥尿色深的症狀一樣,中毒性肝炎的嚴重程度可以有所不同,以及。很多時候疾病會自行消失毒素暴露後停止。雖然有時,中毒性肝炎,可能會造成永久性的肝損傷。一紙訴狀過去十年左右的指控,根據康寶消費者投訴數量驚人,已與中毒性肝炎診斷。特別值得一提的是,在Switrzerland,已與康寶自1998年以來的終端毒性肝炎10例。人們相信,進行瑞士的研究和世界各地的許多其他的醫療專業人員,康寶萊減肥,營養和護膚補充劑成分,可直接與中毒性肝炎的原因和其他肝臟疾病和疾病的人數。如果你或你認識的人經常採取隨時康寶萊,並已與中毒性肝炎診斷,您應該諮詢律師。 RepresentYou.com是在這裡幫助。據我們了解康寶萊補充建議的風險和致力於現成的他們,如果他們其實是危險的。你的病可能是能夠幫助停止的危險消費產品的銷售在未來。如果您認為您的康寶萊方案可能導致你的病,請不要猶豫,打電話,每週 7天,每天24小時。聲明:本網站所包含的信息提供給您“是”,不構成法律意見,是我們的使用條款管轄,並沒有創造一個律師 /客戶關係,也不是它擬以外的任何筆者認為。我們做出任何聲明,承諾或保證的準確性,完整性,或所載或與本網站及其相關網站的信息是否足夠。我們強烈建議您諮詢律師,如果你想專業保證的信息,你對它的解釋,是適合你的特殊情況。RepresentYou.com洛杉磯地區相提並論
洛杉磯,CA 90015
西湖村,CA 91361國家加州認證的律師轉介服務的酒吧#0126操作系統在洛杉磯縣RepresentYou.com公司擁有和經營*“一億美元的判決和住區” - 在其個人職業生涯的過程中,我們的小組成員律師集體贏得了超過 1億美元,為他們的客戶的判決和定居點。這並不構成對您的法律問題的結果的保證,擔保,或預測。*“不成功,不收費” - 不包括人身傷害案件以外的所有案件。人身傷害案件可能要處理的應急費的基礎上。 RepresentYou.com小組成員律師可能可以採取其他情況下在應急費的基礎上,然而,作為具體的法律問題可能會有所不同,某些情況下可能需要每小時收費。

If you or someone you know has toxic hepatitis and is taking a Herbalife supplement you may need to speak with an attorney immediately.
If your toxic hepatitis is connected to using a Herbalife supplement you should be compensated for your medical expenses.
If you have a Herbalife lawsuit you should have the best lawyer you can find. RepresentYou.com can refer you to a lawyer with 20 years of experience who can take your product liability case on a contingency fee basis.
Herbalife and its supplements have been attacked over the years for a number of different reasons.  First, the company’s multi-level-marketing business plan has been accused of being a pyramid scheme.  Also, the products they sell have been deemed unsafe and even banned in some countries.  Finally, Herbalife customers have suddenly become ill and contracted debilitating, life threatening liver diseases.
We at RepresentYou.com has noticed a substantial history of Herbalife consumers suddenly gettin sick and believe it is enough to warrant some attention from the legal community.  As we have familiarized ourselves with studies and complaints implicating Herbalife we have noticed a number of alarming things.  Among the most common issues we saw was the sudden diagnoses of Toxic Hepatitis in habitual supplement users.
Toxic Hepatitis is the inflamation of the liver as a result of an exposure to a toxic substance.  Notable causes of the disease are alcohol, chemicals, drugs, or supplements.  Like many liver diseases the symptoms Toxic Hepatitis can vary from patient to patient. 
Some of the most common symptoms are listed below:
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Weight loss
Dark urine
Like the symptoms the severity of toxic hepatitis can vary as well.  Often times the disease will go away on its own after the exposure to the toxin stops. Sometimes though, toxic hepatitis can cause permanent liver damage.
A lawsuit filed alleged over the last ten years or so according to a complaint alarming number of Herbalife consumers could have been diagnosed with toxic hepatitis.  Most notably, in Switrzerland, there have been 10 cases of terminal toxic hepatitis linked to Herbalife since 1998.  It is believed, by the medical professionals who conducted the Swiss study and many others around the world, that a number of ingredients found in Herbalife weight-loss, nutritional, and skin care supplements can be directly linked to the cause of toxic hepatitis and a number of other liver diseases and illnesses.
If you or someone you know has regularly taken Herbalife at anytime and has been diagnosed with toxic hepatitis you should consult with an attorney.  RepresentYou.com is here to help.  We understand the suggested risks of Herbalife supplements and are dedicated to getting them off the shelf if they are in fact dangerous.  Your illness may be able to help stop the sale of dangerous consumer products in the future.  If you believe your Herbalife regimen may have lead to your disease please do not hesitate to call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this web site is provided to you "as is", does not constitute legal advice, is governed by our Terms Of Use, and does not create an attorney/client relationship nor is it intended to be anything other than the opinion of the author. We make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or linked to this web site and its associated sites. We strongly recommend you consult an attorney if you want professional assurance that the information, and your interpretation of it, is appropriate to your particular situation.
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 645 West 9th St. Suite 110-262
 Los Angeles, CA 90015
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 4607 Lakeview Canyon Rd #425
 Westlake Village, CA 91361
State Bar of California certified lawyer referral service #0126 Operating in Los Angeles County
Owned and operated by RepresentYou.com, Inc.
*"One Billion Dollars In Verdicts and Settlements" - Over the course of their individual careers, our panel member attorneys have collectively won over 1 billion dollars in verdicts and settlements for their clients. This does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.
*"No Win, No Fee" - Excludes all cases except personal injury cases. Personal injury cases may be handled on a contingency fee basis. RepresentYou.com panel member attorneys may be able to take other cases on a contingency fee basis, however, as specific legal matters may vary, certain cases may require hourly fees.

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